Sunday, 21 September 2008

Leaking like it was 2007

This time last year, the internet was suddenly flooded with a load of leaked new Britney Spears song clips, all of which were rubbish and none of which made it onto her slightly better than rubbish 'Blackout' album.

And it's happening all over again.

After sloppily letting a track called 'Candy With Strangers' pop up all over the internet (and cause all sorts of fuss over whether it was real or not), her supposed new single 'Womanizer' has now made it's leaky debut, and in the worst quality possible.

From what we can make out through the radio static and unusual ramblings of the radio DJ who played the track, the song isn't a million miles away from 'Toy Soldier', the track from 'Blackout' that most fans wanted to see as a single.

Here are our immediate thoughts.

1. It's definitely catchy.
2. It's definitely Britney.
3. It's quite good.
4. It's not quite as good as we might have hoped.
5. We hope it's an album reject, not the actual single.
6. We hope this because the album will be very good indeed if she can toss away 7/10 songs like this on a whim.

Click here if you would like to listen to 'Womanizer' by Britney Spears.

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