Tuesday, 7 October 2008

Pnau in London. Quite good or amazing? (Hint: They were amazing)

Were Pnau (pronounced Pee-Now it seems) any good last night at their gig at Durr - a really very good club night at held in a place called The End?

In a word: YES.

General observations were these:

1. No Ladyhawke.
2. No 'Embrace'.
3. No 'Dancing On The Water'.
4. No children's choir.
5. No dancing strawberries.

And yet it still managed to be an amazing show. Further observations are thus:

1. Pnau are a lot harder sounding live than they are on record (not actual 'record' but you know what we mean. 'MP3' sounded weird in context.)
2. Nick Littlemore shouldn't wear blouses. They hide his slender gentleman's curves and it wasn't until he was topless that his true physique was revealed.
3. 'No More Violence' is completely fucking amazing.
4. 'Baby' needs to be a single at the soonest available opportunity.
5. Pnau have loads of amazing songs we haven't heard before which we would like to rattle the names of which off like professionals but which we heard for the first time last night so give us a break here please.

So there you have it. See Pnau for yourself on 17 October at Matter, the new Fabric thing in the O2 Arena, which is miles away from ANYWHERE, but there you go.

Pnau at MySpace et-cetera.

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